Department of Computer science of the University of Nantes
- Lecture: 'Constraint Programming' and 'Advanced Constraint Programming' for graduate students
- Lecture: 'Design Patterns' for undergraduate and graduate students
- Lecture: 'Concurrency in Java' for undergraduate students
- Exercice class 'Machine Learning' for graduate students
- Exercice class 'Computer architecture' for undergraduate students
- Exercice class 'Object-oriented Programming' for undergraduate students
- Lecture: 'Operational Researsh Special Topic I' (Constraint Programming) for graduate students
- Lecture: 'Object and software design' (design patterns) for undergraduate students
- Lecture: 'Algorithm and Data Structure' for undergraduate students
- Exercice class 'Operational Research' for undergraduate students
- Lecture: 'Operational Researsh Special Topic I' (Constraint Programming) for graduate students
- Lecture: 'Object and software design' (design patterns) for undergraduate students
- Lecture: 'Algorithm and Data Structure' for undergraduate students
- Exercice class 'Machine Learning' for graduate students
- Exercice class 'Operational Research' for undergraduate students
- Lecture: 'Operational Researsh Special Topic II' (Constraint Programming) for graduate students
- Lecture: 'Object and software design' (design patterns) for undergraduate students
- Lecture: 'Algorithm and Data Structure' for undergraduate students
- Exercice class 'Operational Research' for undergraduate students
- Lecture: 'Operational Researsh Special Topic II' (Constraint Programming) for graduate students
- Lecture: 'Object and software design' (design patterns) for undergraduate students
- Lecture: 'Algorithm and Data Structure' for undergraduate students
- Exercice class 'Introduction to Computer Science' for undergraduate students
- Lecture: 'Object and software design' (design patterns) for undergraduate students
- Exercice class 'Introduction to Computer Science' for undergraduate students
Department of Computer science, the University of Tokyo
- Lecture: 'Combinatorial Optimization and Games' for graduate students
- Lecture: 'Prediction of Parallel Speed-ups for Las Vegas Algorithms' for graduate students
Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics, the University of Tokyo
- Lecture: 'Computational Complexity and Constraint Satisfaction Problems' for graduate students
Department of Computer science of the École Polytechnique
- T.A. for the course INF 557 'Introduction to Networking' for graduate students
- T.A. for the course INF 321 in Java for undergraduate students (beginner level)
- T.A. for the course INF 431 in Java for undergraduate students (advanced level)
- T.A. for the course INF 421-a in Java for undergraduate students (intermediate level)
- T.A. for the course INF 321 in Java for undergraduate students (beginner level)
- T.A. for the course INF 421-b in Java for undergraduate students (intermediate level)
University Institut of Technology of Orléans
- T.A. for the course 'Numerical analysis in C language' for undergraduate students